
Our prices can be found in the list below.

For an exact quote, please contact us.

Dental Services and Prices

If you cannot find the detail you are looking for, contact our friendly customer service for more information.

London Prices Budapest Prices Average UK
Consultation Free £75
Panoramic X-Ray £52 £28 £80
Filling £150-£200 £56-£85 £250
Scale & Polish £85 £69 £110
Camlog Implant £1200 £599 £2000
Camlog Abutment £250 £300
Crown £550 £239 £700
Zirconium Crown £539 £380 £850
Veneer £399 £285 800
Book Your Consultation

Cost of dental treatments at Dental Centre Hungary have fixed price with all stated services. The payment is performed by stages. You don’t pay all amount at ones, all payments have exact time and purpose.

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